
Europees Agentschap voor netwerk- en informatiebeveiliging

Het Europees Agentschap voor netwerk- en informatiebeveiliging (ENISA) is een agentschap van de Europese Unie, opgericht in 2004 en gevestigd in Iraklion op Kreta.

Het agentschap heeft tot taak informatienetwerken en daarmee verstuurde gegevens te helpen beveiligen. Dit is van belang voor de burgers, consumenten, bedrijven en overheidsorganisaties in de gehele Europese Unie.

Het agentschap zal onder meer gegevens verzamelen, risico's analyseren, voorlichting geven en beste praktijken voor risicobeheer promoten.

Het agentschap zou eigenlijk maar vijf jaar bestaan. Vanwege de toename van cybercrime besloot de EU in juni 2008 tot het verlengen van de levensduur van de digitale politie. Toen dit wederom gebeurde in 2010 besloot de Piratenpartij om de voorwaarden en wet- en regelgeving omtrent dit agentschap onder de loep te nemen.


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Pagina 6

“This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.”

Pagina 7

“The Agency will contribute to enhancing the security and resilience of critical communication information infrastructures and to the building of the Pan European PPP on Resilience (EP3R) and the pan European Forum of Member States (EFMS).”

Pagina 8

“Identifying emerging risks for creating trust and confidence. The Agency will continue working on establishing a framework that will enable decision makers to better understand and assess emerging risks, arising from new technologies and new application, through a practice of systematic data collection, processing, dissemination and feedback.”

“Specific objective. To increase network and information security (NIS), to develop a culture of network and information security for the benefits of citizens, consumers, businesses and public sector organisations and identify policy challenges that are raised by future networks and the Internet”

Pagina 20

“– have advisory and coordinating functions, where it gathers and analyses data on information security. Today both public and private organisations with different objectives gather data on IT incidents and other data relevant to information security. There is, however, no central entity at European level that, in a comprehensive manner, can collect and analyse data and provide opinions and advice to support the Union’s policy work on network and information security;”

“– contribute to a coordinated approach to information security by providing support to Member States, e.g. on promotion of risk assessment and awareness-raising activities;”