
Spamassassin foutmelding Zero score


Voeg aan /etc/spamassassin/ voor elk item wat een foutmelding geeft. Bijvoorbeeld:

score KAM_RPTR_SUSPECT 0.0001


root@mail:~# /etc/cron.daily/spamassassin
Feb 20 10:26:57.766 [612498] info: rules: meta test JMQ_CONGRAT has dependency 'KAM_RAPTOR_ALTERED' with a zero score
Feb 20 10:26:57.770 [612498] info: rules: meta test KAM_JURY has dependency 'KAM_RAPTOR_ALTERED' with a zero score
Feb 20 10:26:57.775 [612498] info: rules: meta test KAM_FAKE_DELIVER has dependency 'KAM_RAPTOR_ALTERED' with a zero score
Feb 20 10:26:57.777 [612498] info: rules: meta test KAM_BADPDF2 has dependency 'KAM_RPTR_SUSPECT' with a zero score
Feb 20 10:26:57.792 [612498] info: rules: meta test KAM_AUTO has dependency 'CBJ_GiveMeABreak' with a zero score
Feb 20 10:26:57.793 [612498] info: rules: meta test KAM_NOTIFY2 has dependency 'KAM_IFRAME' with a zero score
Feb 20 10:26:57.796 [612498] info: rules: meta test KAM_REALLY_FAKE_DELIVER has dependency 'KAM_RPTR_PASSED' with a zero score
Feb 20 10:26:57.797 [612498] info: rules: meta test KAM_WARRANTY has dependency 'CBJ_GiveMeABreak' with a zero score
Feb 20 10:26:57.801 [612498] info: rules: meta test KAM_INSURE has dependency 'CBJ_GiveMeABreak' with a zero score
Feb 20 10:26:57.808 [612498] info: rules: meta test KAM_INSURE2 has dependency 'CBJ_GiveMeABreak' with a zero score
Feb 20 10:26:57.809 [612498] info: rules: meta test KAM_WARRANTY3 has dependency 'CBJ_GiveMeABreak' with a zero score
Feb 20 10:26:57.809 [612498] info: rules: meta test KAM_CARD has dependency 'KAM_RPTR_SUSPECT' with a zero score