The Pirate Bay Blog
Year of the storm - (01-02-2012)
2012 is the year of the storm.
The Pirate Bay will reach an age of 9 years. Experiencing raids, espionage and death threats, we're still here. We've been through hell and back and it has made us tougher than ever.
The people running the site has changed during the years. No sane human being would put up with this kind of pressure for 8 years in a row. An insane hobby that takes time from our families, our work - (sorry boss) and our studies.
What binds us all together is a strong belief that what we do is good. That it is something we one day can tell our grandchildren about with pride. People from all over the world confirm this. We read testimonials from people in Syria longing for freedom, thanking us for what we provide. We receive more than 100 visits daily from North Korea and we sure know that they need it. If there's something that will bring peace to this world it is the understanding and appreciation of your fellow man. What better way to do that than with this vast library of culture?
With this said, we hear news from our old admins that they have received a verdict in Sweden. Our 3 friends and blood brothers have been sentenced to prison. This might sound worse than it is. Since no one of them no longer lives in Sweden, they won't go to jail. They are as free today as they were yesterday.
But what enrages us to our inner core is that the system, the empire, the governments, are still allowed to try to boss you and us around with one law crazier than the other. Do you think they will stop with SOPA/ACTA/PIPA? They will not. Because you won't stop sharing those files. Because we will not stay down. Because no one can turn back time. Together, we are the iron that hardens with each strike.
In this year of the storm, the winners will build windmills and the losers will raise shelters. So flex your muscles, fellow pirates, and give power to us all! Build more sites! More nets! More protocols! Scream louder than ever and take it to the next level!
Site domain moved to .se - (03-02-2012)
Maybe you've noticed that we're now thepiratebay.SE instead of thepiratebay.ORG? The reason is two-fold.
First is the issue of SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/TPP/<insert enormous amounts of acronyms here>. The United States of America have decided that they control the internet and can dictate it. This means that having a domain controlled in the end by an american entity could cause them to take control over it. So we wanted to move away from that scenario.
Choosing which TLD to change to was the next question. We have two roots at The Pirate Bay, Mexico and Sweden. With our old friends not being granted an appeal in their case in Sweden and at the same time their opponents essentially claiming Sweden as a hollywood-militarized-zone we wanted to make a statement. So we changed to a .SE domain name. We're not sure it's the best choice since one of the people working with the .SE domain arbitration happens to be the lawyer for the Hollywood companies in Sweden, in the case against our friends. But at the same time, that lawyer must now be seen as having a conflict of interest.
.SE also supports DNSSEC so we're going to use that. It will make the current censorships against our domain names a bit harder to implement. It will break DNS. This might be a good thing since it will make it harder for courts to agree to DNS censorship.
What ever happens with the domain we use or will have to move to in the future is not important. The fight we're doing is important. And you're all part of it, every one of you. Let's keep going!
T minus some days now - (13-02-2012)
In following with our decision to skip .torrent-files in the nearby future one of the biggest steps will come on the 29th of February. We will stop serving .torrent-files for all torrents that has has more than 10 peers from this date.
End of communication.
United Kingdom of Censorship - (20-02-2012)
In my judgment, the courts of [United Kingdom of Censorship] do authorise its judges' acts of corruption and being technically uneducated. They go far beyond merely enabling and assisting.
I conclude that both judges' and the politicians of [United Kingdom of Censorship] infringe the rights of the people… in the world.
No more torrents=no changes anyhow - (28-02-2012)
Today marks the end of an era. Sort of.
TPB will no longer give out links to .torrent files. The reason is simple: They're just a waste of space and our time.
Instead we're giving you Magnet links. It's simpler for us and no more hassle for you. It's more resilient than .torrent files and it uses much less bandwidth for those who wants to mirror. Also, since the magnet links are just a hash, it's on every single torrent detail page - so noone knows that you actually downloaded a file or not.
This means that noone can block torrent files without blocking data within a webpage. So far, few countries have implemented such harsh censorship tactics. Countries, particularily in EU, seems to moving towards total censorship so we do all we can to avoid our users ending up with less freedom.
A lot of media has hyped that we're stopping with the torrent files. It's like saying that Ferrari is no longer sellings cars - they're just selling BETTER cars. As are we, we're giving you the best links there are!
And to kinda-quote a bible, “Spilling seed is more severe then all sins, since he defiles his soul in this world and the world to come and he does not see the glory of the sharing.”
PS. you _can_ download individual files using magnets - just wait until the metadata is fetched from the network. It is worth it.
New TPB investigation leaked - (09-03-2012)
TPB is not hosted in -insert country here-, as far as we know. “As far as we know?” you might ask! Yes. TPB is set up in a very special way to make sure that it will stay up. This means that noone really knows exactly where the servers are, but we've made sure to stay out of the United States of Arrogance and some other countries where the governments do not like free speech.
The only box someone could find is the one in the front, that needs to be public. We have multiple of those, scattered like diarrhea around the world. They contain no storage device, no graphics card. Only a network cable, a cpu and memory. Being nice people, we've put small easters egg into each box though, for the hard work put into finding that public machine! Nothing dangerous though, just funny.
Even though this means that TPB can never be pin-pointed to a certain country, the Swedish district attorney Fredrik Ingblad initiated a new investigation into The Pirate Bay back in 2010. Information has been leaked to us every now and then by multiple sources, almost on a regular basis. It's an interesting read. We can certainly understand why WikiLeaks wished to be hosted in Sweden, since so much data leaks there. The reason that we get the leaks is usually that the whistleblowers does not agree with what is going on. Something that the governments should have in mind - even your own people does not agree.
Since our recent move to a .SE domain the investigation has been cranked up a notch. We think that the investigation is interesting considering nothing that TPB does is illegal. Rather we find it interesting that a country like Sweden is being so abused by lobbyists and that this can be kept up. They're using scare tactics, putting pressure on the wrong people, like providers and users. All out of fear from the big country in the west, and with an admiration for their big fancy wallets.
We're staying put where we are. We're going no-where. But we have a message to hollywood, the investigators and the prosecutors: .
TPB LOSS - (18-03-2012)
We were down a few hours earlier today. There's no need to worry, we haven't been raided this time. We're only upgrading stuff since we're still growing.
One of the technical things we always optimize is where to put our front machines. They are the ones that re-direct your traffic to a secret location. We have now decided to try to build something extraordinary.
With the development of GPS controlled drones, far-reaching cheap radio equipment and tiny new computers like the Raspberry Pi, we're going to experiment with sending out some small drones that will float some kilometers up in the air. This way our machines will have to be shut down with aeroplanes in order to shut down the system. A real act of war.
We're just starting so we haven't figured everything out yet. But we can't limit ourselves to hosting things just on land anymore. These Low Orbit Server Stations - (LOSS) are just the first attempt. With modern radio transmitters we can get over 100Mbps per node up to 50km away. For the proxy system we're building, that's more than enough.
But when time comes we will host in all parts of the galaxy, being true to our slogan of being the galaxy's most resilient system. And all of the parts we'll use to build that system on will be downloadable.
Greece sells airspace to TPB - (01-04-2012)
Athens, Greece - Political power in Athens, Greece, today signed an agreement with representatives for The Pirate Bay - (TPB) about exclusive usage of the greek airspace at 8000-9000ft.
- This might come as a shock for many but we believe that we need to both raise money to pay our debts as well as encourage creativity in new technology. Greece wants to become a leader in LOSS, says Lucas Papadams, the new and crisply elected Prime Minister of Greece.
LOSS that he is referring to is not the state of finances in the country but rather Low Orbit Server Stations, a new technology recently invented by TPB. Being a leader for a long time in other types of LOSS, TPB has been working hard on making LOSS a viable solution for achieving 100% uptime for their services.
- Greece is one of few countries that understands the value of LOSSes. We have been talking to them ever since we came up with the solution seeing that we have equal needs of being able to find financially sustainable solutions for our projects, says Win B. Stones, head of R&D at TPB.
The agreement gives TPB a 5 year license to use and re-distribute usage of the airspace at 8000-9000 ft as well as unlimited usage of the radio space between 2350 to 24150 MHz. Due to the financial situation of both parties TPB will pay the costs with digital goods, sorely needed by the citizens of Greece.
TPB gets censored in the UK - (01-05-2012)
The Western countries of the world all complaints about the censorship in Iran, China, Saudi Arabia and so on. But they are really the worst culprits themselves, having double morals in doing an even worse thing themselves.
Today news was out that the UK high court has decided that TPB is “massively infringing on copyright”. The facts that no copyright is being infringed upon here at the site was not a welcome fact, so that was ignored apparantly.
Noone from TPB was invited to the court case, which would be normal to do in a democracy. This is not the first time this happens, it's been the same in most countries we're censored in. We have no right to speak since we're not rich.
Five ISPs got sued by the record companies to force them to block us. This is particularily interesting since music released and promoted exclusively here on TPB is currently in the brittish top charts. We are simply competitors that they just managed to squeeze out of their market, in a maffiesque way.
As usual there are easy ways to circumvent the block. Use a VPN service to be anonymous and get an uncensored internet access, you should do this anyhow. Or use TOR, I2P or some other darknet with access to the internets. Change your DNS settings with OpenDNS. Or use googles DNS servers… we could go on…
But don't forget that we can't allow this shit to happen. Next time they're coming for something else. And yes, there will be a next time if we don't stop them. Write to your ISP and tell them to appeal the case. Write to your local MPs and tell them that this is not allowed. Make sure your voice is heard. Remember, we're all the pirate bay, and we must stand united against the censorship from our opponents!
Not all proxies are Ok! - (07-05-2012)
A lot of proxies in support of TPB are popping up, which is a good thing. But not all of these proxies are nice!
We've noticed at least 3 sites that are tricking users to buying access or similar. We do not condone this behaviour, The Pirate Bay is a free service!
If you've ended up on this page, we've re-hijacked you from the scam site - (or you're a regular reader of our blog, but since we're writing boring stuff mostly, we think the first option applies). We'd want to encourage you to look for a reliable source on where to find a good proxy that works for you. The people at TorrentFreak usually have a good list of updated proxies. And if you can reach our original page, you should use that. It's always the safest thing to do.
Take care and don't get tricked. There's a war going on. It's the mafiaa against the people. Let's make sure that the people win.